How Does it Feel?
I'm back. Did you miss me? For those of you who haven't been paying attention or have just arrived, I spent the last week recovering from surgery. I had to have my gall bladder removed, and my body is still adjusting to the new order of things. Compared to the alternatives, I got off pretty easy and for that, at least, I am grateful.
In this line of work, one simply does not get enough exercise. It's sort of an occupational hazard. We spend 40-60 hours (or more) a week hunched over keyboards in darkened rooms and then, many of us go home and wind up on the couch in other darkened rooms in front of other machines and monitors. It's no wonder many of us suffer from repetitive stress injuries, deteriorating eyesight and (ahem) expanding waistlines.
The fact of the matter is, as our bodies get older, the parts are a little less responsive than they used to be. If you don't use it, you'll lose it. Other parts get worn out. The trick is to find some balance - go out and take a walk once in a while, work those parts and they'll keep working for you. But don't forget to leave a note once in a while or I might stop doing this. See you soon.
Yes, I am afraid, most of us don't do enough exercise. Its the same for comic-artist-work. You spend hours sitting and drawing.
Anyway, still all the best wishes for quick recovery!
Very true, I definitely need to get back into an excercise routine too. I've been slacking and your words are definitely a warning in my ears.
Glad you're feeling better and hope you're back to your usual self soon!
Oh my...I am already exhausted only by looking at poor gamecreature's Exercises!
Oddly enough, I used to be pretty good with my exercises until I got hit with this gall bladder thing. I think that was my body's way of rebelling against all of the extra activity. Now my chect is all bruised and complains if I yawn. I've definitely got to take care of that!
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