Mechanized Battle Death Master Lee
Now we know what sort of strange things reside in GC's fertile imagination. By the way, if you haven't been following the events of the past few weeks, you might want to start here. Of course, the point of all this is not that it's wrong to suppose what would happen if the South had access to battle mechs during the AmericanCivil War. But if one is not careful, it can derteriorate into a farce like in this week's cartoon. You know, the Mechanized Battle Death Master Lee might look good as a wallpaper. What do you think?
It's been a busy weekend here, with school football games to attend, a backlog of art to finish and worry about family in Texas. Can't wait for less exciting times. Normally I'd have more to say, but I'm exhausted. Enjoy the cartoons!
Hahah! This death master Lee is gorgeous. Know what, slowly but certainly I feel like an urge to play THIS game! ;-)
Thanks, Diana. I like the way he came out. I have plans to make the image into a desktop wallpaper and, hopefully, a Flash game - although I doubt that Flash is up to the task of really doing it justice!
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