Arcade Update - hidden treasure
Yesterday I peeled away the side decals from the cabinet and guess what I found?

This used to be a classic Williams Robotron game. For folks who didn't grow up on these things like I did, this is similar to buying a cheap painting at a garage sale and finding a masterpiece underneath. Sadly, all of the internal components are gone - all I have is this shell. Still, it's pretty neat to own a piece of history.
Aw yeah -- ROBOTRON! "Intruder alert!" BREEZHYAPP! Really used to tick me off how the simple little characters would gang up on me.
Actually, it was Bezerk that had the speech - which made a cameo appearance (can sound make an appearance?) in an episode of Futurama that poked fun at several video games (including pinball) and computers in general.
But yeah, you've got it right. You'd think you'd have it made and discover that they've trapped you in a corner. Good times. :)
Bezerk, yes, of course... Robotron was a little more complicated, with several different types of evil robots that were out to roboticize humans! (If that happened, you had to blast the corrupted humans -- tough luck, Sis!)
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