Those annoying e-mails
I recently ramped up the settings on my email filter - I was just getting too much garbage in my in box. My only concern is that some legitimate message will get filtered out. If you think I'm not responding to your email, it may be that it got caught by the filter. Feel free to leave a message here or on one of the forums I frequent and I'll try to get back to you. And while it seems to work in the cartoon world, I think the software on Cal and GC's computer might be inviting a different sort of trouble.
I recently picked up the latest expansion pack for Zoo Tycoon 2. Not only is this a good, family-friendly title, but it won't bore you to tears. As a matter of fact, it's a lot of fun. As the name implies, this game lets you build your own zoo. The trick is to come up with enough cash to cover your overhead (feeding and cleaning up after animals is a lot of work) while keeping the guests and animals happy. What makes this version more fun than the original is that you can actually get inside the enclosures to take care of the animals - feed them, clean them, sweep up after them. Get up close and personal with them. In the latest installment, Marine Mania, you can train animals to do tricks (and throw a treat to them afterwards). Put on a show and make your zoo even more famous. If you are a regular viewer of Animal Planet or just want a game that doesn't require you to kill half of everything you see, then Zoo Tycoon 2 is the game for you.

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