I wanted to share this timely idea for any of you who might be struggling with a Christmas pagent. Once upon a time, my daughter decided to be an angel for halloween. We found a great idea for an angel costume online and made it for her. Cardboard wings (artistically crafted by yours truly) spray-painted gold, a white "pancho" and gold rope to tie it all together. A star garland became the halo. So when it came time for the church Chistmas pagent, we remembered the halloween costume and showed it to the folks. Mass-producing the wings became a simple task, and everyone was impressed by the simplicity and charm of the angels. That was quite a few years ago, but I'm pretty sure they're still using them. So here's the
link to the angel costume. If this helps anybody, I'd love to hear about it. Merry Christmas!
I have a Mike Lynch costume if anyone is interested.
This was perfect! I'm a single mom on a time crunch because the money to buy costumes didn't come in on time... thank you thank you thank you!
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