Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Everybody wants to rule the world

Or at least it seems that way.
Still plugging away at the changes to the website. The gallery is finished. I have a couple more pages to put together and then I think I'll be ready. In the meantime, here's another sneak peek.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Honestly, don't you think this time has come?
Yep, I'm finally going to be making changes to the site. Mainly to make it easier to get my message out to potential clients, but also because the current design is no longer meeting my needs.
The blog and weekly cartoon will stay, but the links may very well change. I'm going to try to add some online interactive content, but it's going to have to be something that doesn't require a lot of maintenence. I can't be helping my clients if I'm spending all of my time on site updates.
As always, I value your input. But more importantly, I hope you'll come back after the changes and if you like what you see, you'll drag your friends over here to take a look. (I need all the help I can get!) Thanks!